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Group bookings

Request a quote for a group of 10 or more people

Save up to 10% on individual rates.

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How do group bookings work?

1. Request a quote

To book a train for a group of 10 or more people, you'll need to request a group quotation. Just choose your destination and dates above and then pick your trains.

2. Check your email

We’ll get back to you within 24 hours with a personalised quote.

3. Confirm your booking

If you wish to proceed with your booking, follow the instructions in your quotation email.

Group bookings FAQs

Group fares can be up to 10% cheaper than public fares.

Group fares are only available on direct Eurostar services without a connection.

We can send you the terms and conditions specific to your group booking via email if you decide to proceed after receiving your quote.